Sunday, June 7, 2015

Day 9

Today did not begin exactly as planned. The plan was to get an early start, and get into Amarillo at a decent time. We decided to take a more scenic route through Taos and cut across that way. When I woke up at 0730, there was pouring rain causing an uproar on the roof of the RV. Nope, I was not going to set up in this pouring rain. I went back to bed and the rain finally stopped at 9. We got up and got the kids dressed and I began the job of getting everything ready to go. Things like hooking up the trailer, dumping the tanks etc. The kids had wanted to do a paddle boat ride in the small lake at the campground. The two Amy's took the children to do this while I packed. At 11, we finally hit the road, stopping at a local bakery for breakfast. Amy surprised me with a green chile burrito and it was sure tasty. The road led us south to the border with New Mexico, the scenery was stunning, We took our time, stopping several times to admire the scenery. Lunch time found us around Taos, New Mexico. Amy was able to look up a local nature park and preserve and we stopped for lunch and to let the kids play. It was a nice setting and they had fun looking at all the toads and beaver cut trees on the preserve boardwalk. A storm again began to roll in and we hit the road. The winding highway afforded many great views of mountain trees and streams. The day would run late however as we are looking at getting into Amarillo at 11pm. The kids are tired and cranky as I type this entry in the car. Hopefully the site wont be hard to get into in the dark.

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