Thursday, May 31, 2012

Day 7

Day 7 We have been gone almost a week already. Time flies. Today started out long. This portion of I-70 through Utah is very desolate and barren. It is almost like driving through the moon with a backdrop of plateaus and vistas. There is one stretch where there is no gas or services for 110 miles. Once this passed the drive got better. We turned south and made our way to Bryce Canyon. The kids
were getting restless at this point and a stop was needed. Bryce Canyon was fairly hot, but we decided to do a short hike and have a picnic lunch. We walked along the rim of the Canyon and ate. We then noticed sirens and lights and several park rangers showed up followed by woodland paramedics and fireman. Something was up. Grant, being Grant, ran right up and asked them what was going on. They told him that someone fell at the bottom and they needed to get them. They had some sort of stretcher that looked like a wheelbarrow they began to wheel down. This must have not been feasible, because they had to call a helicopter for the evacuation and for the first time in 20 years they landed the chopper on a tiny ridge down in the canyon. Yikes. I wonder what happened to the fellow. We continued on through some colorful high desert and made our way to Zion National Park. This area is amazing if you ever get the chance to look. You leave some scrub desert and enter this beautiful canyon with amazing color and views. It is very stunning and peaceful. We parked the trailer and began a short hike to watch the sun set on the rocks. It was beautiful, and we plan to go back tomorrow to try and do another quick hike. Tomorrow it’s on to Las Vegas.

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