Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 8

Day 8 We got a bit later start than normal. We planned on doing some hiking in the morning in Zion, but the weather had other plans. It was extremely hot and by the time we started walking it was in the mid nineties. The kids began to whither and complain about the heat and being tired. We decided to let them swim in the little stream that circulates around the campground area while Amy and I hiked up the Watchman trail. This is a trail that winds around some sheer cliffs and leads to an observation point that overlooks the valley. It was very hot and got even hotter as we ascended the rocks up the trail. Poor Amy began to waver a bit in the heat and we decided to turn around. I figure a heat exhaustion episode would not bode well for the next few days. We headed back to meet up with my parents and they had already taken the kids to complete their Junior Ranger badges. The kids were very excited and pleased to show us their badges. We ate lunch in the RV and headed down out of the valley. We stopped for gas and to dump the trailer waste tank. The road of the valley led us out into the high desert to make our way to Vegas. My cousin Henrie and his wife Andrea live there as he is stationed at the local Air Force base. We stopped off at his house and visited for while. It was good to see Henrie again. Henrie grew up with us after the age of twelve and was like another brother to me. We chatted and caught up while the kids ( they have an 11 year old) wrestled downstairs. We went out to eat and went home sleepy with full bellies. It is interesting to see another side of Vegas other than the strip which is what most people know.

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