Thursday, June 7, 2012

Day 11

Day 11 Rain. That was the theme for today. We actually got up early and Grant, Alex, Amy and I broke out the fishing poles to go fishing in the creek that runs by the campsite. It is teaming with trout and we figured we should try our hand at it. We initially started out using artificial spoons and eventually caught a couple of trout. A little while later, Grant made friends with a boy fishing further down and found out powerbait was working well for him so we tried that. It was like they were addicted to crack. We caught like seven of the trout and my Mom cleaned them and we seasoned them to have for supper. We got to the park a bit late after the morning of fishing and decided to start out on a 5 mile trail. We knew there was a 30% chance of rain that day but decided to try it anyhow. It actually started out nice, but when we got about ¾ of a mile down the trail the rains came. At first we tried to press on, but things just got worse. A downpour began with thunder and lightning and everyone became soaked. We decided to head back down to the main area of the valley which included the visitor center. We watched some visitor informational films, and had some coffee and hot cocoa at the restaurant. The rain only got worse so we continued on the winding, wet road out of the park and back to the campsite. When we got back, the rain let up a bit, so Grant, Alex and I went fishing again and managed to catch another half dozen trout. We cleaned these fish and put them in the freezer for later. The rain has come with some cold temperatures and as we retreat for the night, the temperature has already dipped into the high 30’s. It’s going to be a cold night.

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