Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 15

Weather in the mountains is a strange unpredictable thing.

We decided to get up early and make the drive down to the Grand Tetons.  Grand Teton National Park borders Yellowstone.  It contains an iconic group of mountain peaks and some great views. There is a particular hike we like to do when we are around this area called the Jenny Lake trail.  It is a great day hike with many different points to turn around depending on how long you want to hike.  A boat can even be taken part of the way if you wish.  The area however was under construction and the crowds have also seemed to make their way down there as well.

Since we were early, parking was no problem.  We found a spot and stopped by the visitor center to get Junior Ranger books.  Amy and I had been dealing with this chest cold and seems to have sapped us of some energy.  We walked the 2.2 mile to the far side of the lake.  Amy seemed to get sicker, began looking pale and I'll.  I suggested she take the boat back with our daughter and the baby.  I decided to continue on to a spot called inspiration point with the two oldest boys.  Together we formed an expeditionary force and continued on the steep trail to this area.  As we climbed the trail, a rolling thunderstorm bellowed in, dumping rain and lightning in the area.  Myself and the crew quickly found a large tree to seek shelter underneath.  I had two ponchos and we quickly covered the crew in them to keep them dry.  The steep trail is granite and quite slippery when wet.  We decided to press on since we were so close to our goal.  The crew showed no fear and performed exceptionally under the conditions.  One slippery rock could send one of us over the edge and tumbling to certain death.  One last switchback and we made it.  Inspiration point is a rocky cliff that overlooks the lake with the mountain range to your back. We stopped here for a while and ate in silence.  I looked back at the canyon and noticed a huge sheet of rain coming.  We quickly packed up and headed down.  Interestingly enough, Grant was wearing a shirt from Barbados.  A random gentleman on the trip noticed and asked him if he was "Bajan". He told them that my family was.  The gentleman, like myself, had parents from Barbados and we quickly exchanged pleasantries.  Small World.  We headed down to the boat dock and took the boat back across where we linked up with the rest of the crew.

We stopped at a Visitor Center on the way home for the children to finish their books.  The badges they earned were centennial special edition badges and made of wood.  We headed back to camp where I got dinner started and lit a fire.  Suddenly we heard the playful laughter and screams of the crew of the Corps of Discovery.  The crews joined together as only children can and laughed and played and had a generally good time.

Tomorrow I suspect we shall conduct a less strenuous hike as my cough and ill feelings seem to be getting worse.

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