Monday, July 4, 2016

Day 17

We again slept in trying to kick this respiratory affliction.  Still coughing and hacking we decided to go for a shorter hike.  We stopped by Old Faithful and let the kids watch the famous geyser erupt.  While we waited, they also used the time to finish their Junior ranger booklets.  The geyser erupted slightly late and we joined the throngs of people trying to edit the parking lot.

We decided on a short hike up to a Lake, called Harlequin trail.  On the way, we stopped at a Ranger station and the kids turned in their books and received their badges.  They were pleased as their Ranger hats appear to be coated in badges from all over the country.  The hike wasn't bad at all, and we took the time to relax and enjoy the sights.  We headed back to the trail head and called it an early day, heading back to the campground after stopping to walk the boardwalk at one of the geothermal features.

We arrived early at camp, started a fire and made hot dogs.  The weather had cleared from days previous and it turned out to be a fantastic evening.  The children made friends with some kids at a neighboring camp and they played all evening.  I love to see kids play like I remember doing as a kid.  The cousins arrived back at camp and joined the fray. The relaxing evening was topped off with s'mores and campfire scary stories.

I realized why I have become so uncomfortable here.  The rat race has manifest itself here and it was not always this way here.  Just today, we have watched, people speeding and passing others on blind corners, moving no parking barricades to park, walking dogs off leash.  Basically the selfish self absorbed type behavior I flee to escape.  It saddened me.  Such greatness to behold here, but they do not, cannot see it.

Tomorrow we pull anchor and begin the journey home.

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