Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 19

July 4th, the pinnacle of American summer.

We usually try to do something fun for the 4th while traveling, whether it be a local parade or celebration at a historical site.  We did a little research before we arrived at the shady campground.  I got up early and packed the trailer to leave.  We found out that there was a July 4th celebration at Fort Fetterman in Douglas Wyoming.  Fort Fetterman is an Old West fort that was an important stop on the Pony Express as well as the Western Migration.  The celebration was free and even included a pancake breakfast.  We arrived on the grounds and were greeted by a woman dressed in period Pony Express costume on horseback.  we continued onto the grounds and got in line for breakfast.  The breakfast was quite good and was pancakes eggs and hamsteaks.  The children were ecstatic as they filled their bellies with the free pancakes.

Afterward we toured the grounds and did many interactive activities with the kids.  Wagon rides, period children's games, and educational discussions with reeneactors were the activities of the day.  It was interesting to see the faces of the local folks, they seemed to be farmer types with weathered faces and thick working hands.  All enjoying the 4th and history.   With smiles on their faces, the children reboarded the endeavor and we headed South to Colorado Springs.

The Holliday eased the usual city traffic and we made good time.  We arrived at the campground and got set up.  I went to get some bbq while Amy did one last load of laundry.  Afterward, we packed a picnic and headed to downtown Manitou Springs for fireworks.  We ate at a playground but the kids seemed more interested in playing.  Little Nate found a little girl he was having fun chasing.  There was also an old time arcade there with plenty of games and little rides I remember from childhood.  The type of rides that could never be made again because of lawyers and lawsuits.  The two youngest rode the electric horses and tractors with huge smiles and laughter.  We then treated them to ice cream and staked out a spot at the local park.   The ice cream was good but the firework display was nothing special.  We had taken a shuttle bus downtown but we decided to walk the mile back to the campground.  The children were tired and fell asleep easily with a bedtime story.

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