Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 32

Amy and Grant had their free breakfast today. I was too cheap to pay 12 dollars for it so I stayed and made fish tacos with the leftover fish and chips. They said the sourdough pancakes were so sour they almost couldn’t eat them. They said the reindeer sausage and biscuits and gravy were good though. We got a decent start but soon lost an hour as we crossed the border into Canada. It was weird to leave Alaska as this signified the end of the journey and the return home. There must be forest fires burning. The smoke is very thick. So thick that is obscured much of the views. We were supposed to be able to see the St Elias mountain range. We made pretty good time stopping for gas and to run Grant at a few rest stops. We arrived in Whitehorse Yukon pretty late. We stayed at the same campground as last time as it was very nice. Grant played on the playground with some German children. It was funny to see them speaking German and him trying to respond in gibberish because he thought that was their language. He played hard and then we went back to eat. Amy had made delicious venison stroganoff. I noticed when we pulled into the campground that there were grease streaks in a star pattern from one of the trailer wheel hubs. I removed the hub cover to find the metal dust cap had worked its way loose allowing the grease to escape. The bearing seems intact, so I will push some grease back in there and hammer the dust cap back and we will see how it goes. Hopefully I am not losing the bearing.

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