Sunday, August 9, 2009

Day 39

We conducted another long range stretch today. Unfortunately we lost an hour and so it seemed we were behind. We drive from Pendleton Oregon to Brigham City Utah. The long stretches have made everyone miserable. It feels like we have developed some cabin fever. I suppose it is a real phenomenon. I should only hope we do not end up eating each other. We did stop at a park in Boise Idaho. Grant played with some children while Amy made a salmon salad. We have continued to gorge ourselves on fresh fruit. Unfortunately the girls missed the turnoff for the interstate to Brigham City and we could not turn around for 15 miles. Consequently we arrived after dark and we had to set up in the dark. I wore my LED headlight but it still wasn’t fun. I suppose constant daylight was cool. To bed for us and another long range mission to Cheyenne Wyoming g tomorrow.

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