Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day 43

We got up and visited for a while in Norman. Grant is still feverish but otherwise okay. We had a long night of vomiting and sleeping on the floor to deal with. I suspect he has gotten some stomach bug. Then we loaded up for the final leg to continue the last leg of the long journey home. It was largely uneventful. We made a stop at Chick fil A for lunch and continued home to Temple. A thunderstorm began as we drove into town. Our neighbor who happened to be outside as we arrived home said it was some of the first real rain they had since we left. It is very hot and muggy. Definitely some of the warmest temperatures in a while. Returning home was kind of bittersweet. On one hand it I great to be back, but on the other there is a sense of loss, a longing for the adventure and lifestyle that was the adventure. Stepping into the house, the kitchen and living area seem so huge, after living for a month in the trailer. We spent several hours cleaning the trailer and then took it back to the storage lot. It is amazing how much junk accumulated in that time. It was not until I drove off that it hit me. The adventure had ended. It was time return to the real world. I have a job I must go to. There are bills to pay and a yard to tend to. All of the things of everyday life that you think of and address in the real world came flooding back.
12,000 miles
2 countries
1 flat tire
1 set of new tires
43 days and 1 ER visit later we have returned
I return broke, tired, and getting ready to open a new chapter in my life. But alas, if I die tomorrow, I will die a very rich man. Not rich in the sense of a fat bank account, but rich in other treasures. I have witnessed some of the most powerful beauty of all God’s creation, the beauty of indigo blue lakes flanked by snow capped mountains, The raw, unforgiving, enormous expanse of true wilderness, the sound of true silence, the midnight sun, the perfectness of a perfect moment. These are the treasures we returned with from our Adventure. They are not treasures you can buy, but indeed they are valuable. I thank God I could experience such things during my time on Earth. It is time for the next chapter and we will see what new adventures that chapter holds.
The trip blog is officially closed
The Browne’s Alaskan Adventure has officially come to an end.


  1. It has been an honor to travel with you, The Browne's, on your glorious life adventure! May you find God's beauty in the everyday things life throws at you. Love you all!

  2. Great trip report!! It felt like we were there with you guys!! Good luck with the job...where are you going to be working?

  3. That was good reading. I felt as if I was there with you guys. Yes, I agree that you are wealthy due to your experiences. May God bless you and your family and continue to allow you riches in more ways than one. I hope that you are enjoying your new job.

    Thanks for sharing!
