Friday, August 7, 2009

Day 38

The border crossing was uneventful. I had grown paranoid they were going to confiscate my freezer of fish. The fish have become like treasure to me. We did have to wait about an hour in traffic waiting for the border. We continued on to Seattle where we got stuck in traffic. Traffic in the city is very stressful towing a trailer. We stopped for some quick breakfast items at a Fred Meyers. The drive was nice but smoky. We made great time on the interstate. We stopped for lunch in Yakima Washington; Yakima is in the middle of the Yakima Valley which is prime growing area for fruits. We picnicked at a park and resupplied at Wal Mart. We got back on the road and about 30 minutes later there was a little hand painted sign on the freeway that advertised fresh fruit. We exited and wound down a farm road to a fruit orchard. They had cherries and peaches and plums all grown there on the farm. We bought a huge bag of assorted fruit from a nice migrant worker. The fruit tastes fresh, ripe and sweet. That’s how a fruit stand should be. Grant thought it was neat to see the grapes growing on the vine there in the yard. We continued on to our campsite, gorging ourselves on cheap good fruit. The campsite tonight is basically a parking lot with hookups but it gets the job done. I took Grant to a local park to play while Shari and Amy cooked dinner. After we ate Shari and Amy went for a walk. They encountered some crazy meth addicted lady running around and screaming so they came running back to the trailer. The eventually ventured out again but this time with bear mace in case they encountered here again and she tried to bite them or something. Another long range mission awaits tomorrow.

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