Sunday, June 19, 2016

Day 3

We decided to take an easy day today.  We figured it would provide some down time for the children after two long days of driving, and it would give us a bit of time to acclimatize to the altitude.  We decided to make the drive down into Durango to visit the farmers market.  We found a spot, parked and walked into the main downtown drag.  To our surprise, the streets were lined with custom and classic cars. It turns out they were having some sort of car show and it was fantastic.  They had all sorts of things from classic hot rods to doomsday vehicles made from old army 2 1/2 ton trucks.   The kids had a great time viewing the vehicles and walking about.  At the farmers market, they had a clown making balloon animals and of course the children had to get one.  There is a trail that travels along the Animus river here in Durango.  We took this about a mile away to the local fish hatchery where they also have a small wildlife museum.  We have visited here before, but the kids really enjoy it as they are allowed to touch many of the animal pelts and get close to the exhibits.  After lunch, we headed North toward Purgatory ski resort.  During the summer they open it for various activities like zip lining and the alpine slide.  The slide is essentially a mile long slide down one of the ski slopes that you ride down some sort of toboggan  with wheels in.  The kids had been begging to go for years and we decided to check it out.  The two younger kids had to ride with Amy and I, but it sure was fun.  It felt almost like a tiny bobsled.  The older two then went zip lining, which they claimed not to enjoy much. As children are apt to do, they began to try and negotiate how many rides they could go have on future visits.

We decided to spend the afternoon fishing at the lake at the campground.  We stopped at a store and bought licenses and the classic live worms and off we went.  It was actually still fairly hot but the kids were excited.  Grant reeled in a fish soon after starting.  A nice trout.  Things however quickly degenerated as the long nap free day caught up with the children and they began to bicker.  Dinner of campfire stew followed and then a campfire no marshmallows followed.  I have been fighting an upper respiratory infection that has me feeling wiped so we decided to get everyone inside and turn in early.  Hopefully tomorrow we will feel more refreshed.

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