Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day 9

We woke up to cold rain.

Since it was a long day yesterday, we decided to let the kids sleep in.  Amy had gotten up early and decorated the trailer for Grants birthday.  He turns 10 today.  It is hard to believe we have been parents for a decade.  It's all a blur and I hope we are doing a good job.  Amy also made Grants requested breakfast of waffles wth strawberries and breakfast sandwiches.  Grant woke up with a big smile on his face and we ate.

We finally got on the road.  It was a nasty drive through some beautiful country.  The cold misty rain made for slick conditions and slow going.  We stopped in the town of Kalispell for lunch and some coffee.  A delicious latte was obtained from a local hipster staffed coffee establishment.  The fog obscured some magnificent views.  There has been some serious development since the last time we were through.  Perhaps Montana has been "discovered".

We arrived at our campsite on the West side of Glacier NP.  It reminded me of Seward Alaska with the fog and pines.  Grant requested to eat supper at a restaurant for his birthday.  We went to a place right outside the gates.  The food was OK but the kids enjoyed the experience. We headed back to the campsite and ha Pecan Pie an ice cream for birthday desert.  Grant opened his presents, which were a pocket knife and Pokemon cards.  He was thrilled with them.  We ate our fill and then took a drive on a back road through the park looking for bears.  We found no bear, but the road was treacherous.  We realized it was almost 10pm and headed home. It has gotten cold and we are going to bundle up and get to sleep.

I hope the weather clears tomorrow.

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