Friday, June 24, 2016

Day 8

Day 8

The cool mountain air led everyone to bundle up and sleep well as a result. We got up early and ate breakfast outdoors, listening to the sounds of various waterfowl as we ate.  We decided to make our way down to the lake and go for a morning hike before we left.

We turned away from the lake onto a trail that led back into the woods. It was noted to be a Nordic trail designed for winter time cross country skiing.  The hike was fantastic.  It was full of mountain flowers and had patched of meadows and trees, that coursed next to a mountain stream. The kids were thrilled with the multiple bridges and places to investigate the stream and the wildlife and plants it nourished.  We reached a turn around point and let the kids play.  I decided to go a bit further and the trail opened up to a lush meadow.  I found a tree stump and just sat and watched for a while.  The sound of nature filled my senses free of the noise pollution of civilization.  I watched a chipmunk work for a while, his hurried but purposeful movements amusing to watch.  Paying attention to my breathing, I felt many worries and stresses melt away.  I enjoyed this space for a while, then rejoined the crew to proceed back to the campsite and set course for Montana.

The drive out of the Bighorn Mountains ends up in a desert like valley that is fairly hot and desolate.  We made the turn North into Montana and found the desert giving way to lush pastures with a mountain backdrop.  It was a long drive, but relaxing as the scenery has a way of sending you deep into thought.

We arrived in Missoula late, but as we venture further North the daylight gets longer.  We noticed we had plenty of daylight left at 9:45PM.  I got the kids to bed as Amy made a grocery run. Tomorrow is Grants birthday and he has requested pecan pie instead of cake.  I will do some laundry shortly as after we leave here, we will be camping primitively in Glacier National park for several days.  The Endeavor seems to be holding up.

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