Saturday, August 1, 2009

Day 31

We made the drive from Valdez to Tok Alaska today. It wasn’t very far but took a while because we stopped and looked at a few things. On the way out of Valdez we went to a little Forrest service protected stream and watched some salmon spawn. We then enjoyed the drive again on the Richardson highway. We stopped by the glacier and hiked up to it. I ran Grant around in the gravel to try and burn some energy off. The girls did most of the driving today and talked about girly things while I rode in the back with the kids. It wasn’t half bad just being a passenger. We arrived at our campground in Tok. It is called Sourdough Joes. Every evening they have a sourdough pancake toss. You basically toss stale pancakes into a bucket from like 20 feet away. Amy and I both lost at first. Grant tried and they let him walk right up and throw a giant pancake into the bucket. He got a free breakfast. Then the host had a game for the losers. It involved 2 couples. The men had to hold a bucket on their head while the woman threw pancakes into it. Amy and I were quick to volunteer and we won. We were like circus clowns. We also apparently set the record for this season. We caught 13 in 30 seconds.
PS The freezer seems to be working nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Brandon! I hope the fish keeps.
    It's so hot in Houston right now, but I feel cool when I read the colorful expression of your travels. Keep yourself and the family safe!
