Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 21

So far the first part of the park hasn’t been very impressive in that you can’t see much. Mostly its dense trees flanked by some mountain vistas. It is very clear today as most of the smoke seems to have cleared out. We did several small hikes. Grant tired quickly today and I had to carry him most of the way. After the hikes, we stopped again at the visitor center for Amy and Shari to research the berries and find recipes. We also bought some ice cream after that. I got a cup of coffee. We decided to pony up and just by tickets on the bus that takes you into the park. We decided on 6 am as we figured it would be better for viewing wildlife and would leave us the afternoon to do other things. We tooled around a bit more and came back and grilled hotdogs for dinner over a campfire and then more smores. We wanted to get the kids to sleep early since it would be an early start. Hopefully the weather will be good tomorrow. Amy and Shari have made a blueberry coffee cake tort thing that we will eat for breakfast.

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