Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 24

It was kind of nice to get up early. Today is another cold wet day. I found a mechanic shop a few blocks down to change the oil. It took about an hour. I read the local newspaper. It seems as if a lady was asked to stop breastfeeding at the local water park and it is now a big deal. I am not sure what has happened in this country that people are so hung up on a woman breastfeeding an infant. Sarah Palin is also having a series of farewell town picnics. After the oil was changed, we hooked up and ate breakfast of French toast with blueberry sauce. We drove on to our next stop Ninilchik. The drive down the Seward highway was breathtakingly beautiful. It was like the postcards of an Alaska cruise. It was still very rainy and nasty though. The drive took about 4 hours. We passed several areas where people where fishing arm to arm. We arrived at our campsite. Because of the rain, the whole area seems dreary. We inquired a bit about clamming tomorrow and the lady told us some about it and how we could rent equipment at the office. We will try that tomorrow when the tide is low, about noon. We got setup, ate dinner and drove to the beach. We walked around a bit and watched the gulls and some fisherman cleaning up after a days of fishing. There was a bald eagle circling overhead. We will try to get the children to bed early tonight so we can have a productive day of clamming. Apparently the razor clamming days have hundreds of people scrambling for these clams. We shall see. I enjoyed a nice bit of rum as I was able to refill the trailers grog in Anchorage. They did not have Mount gay so I got some Bacardi. There is no comparison.

1 comment:

  1. I am really enjoying this blog. The spirit of adventure is alive and well. Hope the clamming went well.
