Today was a good day. We woke up in Missoula and got kind of a late start. We figured with everyone having colds and all we might as well sleep in and get some rest. We woke up and made banana pancakes and eggs. Amy cleaned up the trailer a bit and Grant went to the playground to play. Apparently he has not learned his lesson about shoes. I found him out there shoeless. HE told me that the girls he was playing with told him to do it. When Amy asked him if girls or mommy and daddy tell him to do something, who he would listen to, he said girls. We got the trailer all packed up and dumped the tanks.
The road up to glacier passes through the Blackfoot and Flathead Indian reservations. You pass a lake called Flathead that is famous for having delicious cherries that grow near its banks. It seems we arrived about a week before the harvest. That sucks because they are so delicious. The road had all kinds of construction going on and we made terrible time. When we made a pit stop Amy went to use the bathroom. She came back to the car and told me that I had left the water pump on. Apparently a bottle of lotion near the sink fell on the faucet and turned it on. This faucet ran and completely drained our freshwater tank. Dang. At least it didn’t flood the trailer. Many of the signage on the road was in English and native Indian language.
Normally in Glacier National Park there is a road that spans it called Going to the Sun Road. It is one of the most scenic drives in North America. It is a winding mountain road with scenic views. Since we had the trailer, we could not take this road to the East side of the park. We had to take a desolate highway that skirts the whole park. This was a long drive. We arrived at the campsite at around 6pm. The last time we camped here in a tent, we had to move our site because a friggin bear was investigating our tent. I feel a bit better being in an RV. We got set up on a pretty level site. I wanted one in a field because I know Grant would run off into the brush without thinking twice. The trailer setup took some leveling but we got it done and then went to the visitor’s center where they were having an Indian dance. At first we weren’t going to go because it costs 5 bucks a person, but then Grant heard the music and decided he wanted to go. The girls went back to camp and Grant and I went. The dancing was awesome. They did many native dances and the presenter explained the significance of the dance and all of the pieces of the costume and what they meant. Fascinating. The last dance at the end was intended for the kids to participate in, but Grant decided he had enough. I am surprised he lasted that long. We then went to the campsite and reheated some leftovers. It didn’t really get dark until 10:30 pm
Alex was bitten by a mosquito 2 days ago in Yellowstone right next to her eye. The eye is looking awfully red and swollen. I am getting paranoid she is developing a skin infection around it. Hopefully it is just local inflammation from the bite as she reacts very strongly to mosquitoes. We got some Benadryl and Motrin and will give that to her. Hopefully it will look better in the morning. It doesn’t seem to be bothering her that much, but she looks like someone beat her about the eye. I bet people are probably thinking “How could they beat that little baby”. We will try and get an early start tomorrow and do some hiking at Logan pass.
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