Friday, July 3, 2009

Day 3

Today was another long day. Since we were already behind we had to press it some. We drove from Limon Colorado to Cody Wyoming which is a short drive from Yellowstone. We hit several severe storms again, and as usual Amy ended up driving them. I was afraid we were going to hit Traffic but I guess that the holiday weekend had some people off and the Denver traffic wasn't that bad.

Hopefully we wont have too many more long stretches like this. A couple of funny things happened today.
1) As we were driving through the Wyoming foothills where there is still lots of open land and cattle, we passed some cowboys. They were the real deal. It was raining and they had on oilskin coats and the whole nine riding their horses. Some city slicker from Illinois I think pulls over and is just staring at these guys like "wow a cowboy". The cowboys looked over at him and started laughing. What a think to be just doing your job and have people jerking to a stop to gawk and take pictures of you
2) A very random moment on a wonderful pass next to a stream with rapids. As we were driving by a scenic overlook, there were a car full of four white dudes that looked to be soldiers. Here we are in the middle of the wilderness and one of the guys begins crip walking. Crip walking is a type of dance usually performed in the ghetto, you can view examples on youtube. The guy was actually pretty good. As we were driving by Amy noticed this and threw him some sort of generic gang sign. The dude looked up and noticed her doing it and started joyously throwing some signs back. It was if he was giving Amy props for noticing his delightful crip walk. I thought to myself how random. 4 white guys crip walking about as far away from the ghetto as you can get, and white Amy and black Me throwing generic gang signs in approval as we drive by in a large RV setup. Rich.

We finally made it to Cody, our campground was crowded as all get out. I seem to have injured my back and I am in a pretty good amount of pain. I think I did it setting up in a rain storm yesterday. As we set up, our next door neighbors with a McCain/Palin sticker still on their truck were going off on Obama. Apparently he is an evil liar and one of the worst people ever to take the Office. Never heard any actual facts, but I was waiting for an N-word to drop. They then began to berate Collin Powell and say that he was a disgrace to the uniform. Not sure if they new I could hear them

Tomorrow we should get to our campsite in Yellowstone after a relatively short drive. Looking forward to some days without long range drives.

I also realize I forgot my card reader to upload pictures so I can post them. Will try to find one somewhere.


  1. Collin Powell would be awesome as President!!!

  2. What great experience.
    Gretchen is right and so sorry that you ran into some Ranting Republicans. Got a kick out of the
    "Home Boys" there.
    Glad to be a follower of this happy family.
