Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Day 7

Today we drove from Yellowstone to Missoula Montana. We got a semi late start as we were all tired and kind of slept in. Whatever cold the kids have, it seems like we all have it now. My throat is scratchy and I feel crabby and miserable. Tempers get short when you are tired and sick. We hooked up the trailer and cleaned up a bit and got going. The trailer took a bit of maneuvering to get out of the campsite. Amy is a master helmsman and did not get stuck like the last guy. We drove out of Yellowstone on the West side. One intersting site on the way out. There was a car full of tourists. There was a group of elk along the side of the road and a cow was right nhext the road. They had stopped and there was a little boy of about 5 standing near the elk. His mother had a camera and the parents were telling him to move closer to the elk. The boy couldnt have been more than 10 feet as it was. As we drove by we realized the elk cow had twin calves. The stupidity of these people amazed me. The littloe boy looked terrified, and rightfully so as he could be about to get stamped. The drive through Montana was awesome as always.
We followed the Gallatin river along the highway and there were people fly fishing along it and it was like something out of a movie. We stopped for lunch in Bozeman, and Grant played at Burger King while I heated up soem leftovers on the stove in the RV. We continued on to Missoula.
Missoula is kind of an intersting town. It is out in the middle of the West but it's a college town with a cool hip feel to it. We set up the RV and let Grant play. We are all feeling under the weather and bickering and need to get to bed. I made Tuna casserole for dinner while Amy did laundry and Grant played. We went and got ice cream with Huckleberry sauce from the nightly ice cream social and it was delicious.
Grant has this thing about wanting to play barefoot. He took off his shoes on the playground and was running full speed when he stubbed his toe. He got it good and it was bleeding all over the place. This was it for him. He was bawling and could not get ahold of himself. We finally put him to bed. Maybe now he will wear shoes. We went to Wally World on a re-supply mission and got grocieries and such. This will probably be the last Wal Mart for some time. Tommorow we head to Glacier National Park. Shari made a funny comment today. Apparently I get irritated by things the girls think are inconsequential. I view it as trying to keep things on track. She said I am behaving exactly like my Dad used to on our family trips. It's true. Funny how things come full circle like that, I can see exactly how he felt. Hopefully we will have internets here and there and I can keep the blog going.

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