It is still raining. Everything is starting to get that damp feeling to it. Nothing will dry in the RV and the walls are sweating. It is just so damp and nasty. We decided to go to the Seward aquarium since it was indoors and out of the rain. It features native Marine life. It was not very big and very overpriced however. It featured exhibits on salmon, seal lions and a few other native fish. We finished it in about an hour. We went into the sea bird exhibit and one of the puffins was attempting to murder an arctic tern. It had caught it and was holding it underwater. Someone alerted the keeper and he scared the puffin off and scooped the tern out with a net. It didn’t look so good. I suspect it died. It was ultra violence. We then hustled into the car and went to a local diner for lunch. We had some halibut and chips and chowder. We found a local bakery and got some goodies and coffee. If it would only stop raining. Last night Grant woke up and crawled into our bed saying he was scared because there was a bear outside. We let him in thinking yeah right. Well, when I got up to put my trash away in the AM. The owner asked us if we had heard noise at night. Apparently there was a bear that had come into the campsite overnight and been raiding campsites. He was apparently still there in the morning and they had taken pictures and showed them to us. There was one where the bear was sitting on the picnic table of the campsite next to us. I guess Grant really did see the bear outside. Guess we need to take him seriously.
Brittany used to catch me unawares like that too. Yes, Grant is seemingly a very smart kid.