Today was a very long day. When we woke up, Alex’s face seemed swollen and her eye was very red around it. I was getting concerned that she was developing an infection around her eye. The concern about this is the infection getting behind the eye and into the eye and causing serious complications. We were far away from any real hospital. I went ahead and called in a prescription for some antibiotics and we picked it up at a local pharmacy. She has had 1 dose as of tonight. We will see. Perhaps it is all a severe local reaction the mosquito bite. These things are always tough when it’s your own kids. This trip to town took all morning as it was about 65 miles each way. On the way back, we took going to the sun road. I always forget how awesome this drive is. You wind up through some narrow road, and the view is spectacular. At the highest point of the drive, you stop at an area called Logan Pass. This is the highest point of the road. There is a trail that leads from the visitor center back to an overlook. It is 1.5 miles each way. The trail is treacherous at parts. It is a snow covered ridge with a steep drop off. Grant had fun at first having snowball fights. Then as the trail became steep. He began to cling to us. Amy carried Alex the whole way. The one part of the trail has an especially treacherous part. I am not sure why we attempted it but we did. I had to climb over it on my butt. Amy was able to manage with Alex, but she did fall once with Alex on her back. When we got to the top, there was a family of goats frolicking. We then turned around and went down. Grant tolerated all 3 miles pretty well, although he was exhausted when he got down. By the time we got down to the campsite it was dark. Amy made some delicious blueberry bread, but I was unable to make a fire as it was now raining. Tomorrow we head to Canada; hopefully Alex’s eye will look better.
Poor Alex....hope her eye gets better soon!!! So glad G got to play in the snow!!!! Woo HOO!